
Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty


The Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty at Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) began with the approval of the H. University Council of the Civil Engineering in Port Works career on November 27, 1982, to start on August 15, 1983, but the Engineering School of Ensenada is officially created until 1986. In 1999 a Master in Engineering program starts and the name of the School of Engineering changed to Engineering Faculty of Ensenada. Finally, in 2010 the H. University Council authorizes our Faculty's current name: Engineering, Architecture and Design Faculty (known as FIAD).

The FIAD currently offers the careers of Civil Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Computer Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Bioengineer, Nanotechnology Engineer, and Architecture at the undergraduate level. At the Postgraduate level, the FIAD offers the Master and Doctorate in Sciences and Engineering (MyDCI) and the Master and Doctorate in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (MyDAUD).

The FIAD has 2,275 undergraduate and 80 graduate students; on the other hand, all its undergraduate programs are accredited, five by the Council for the Accreditation of Engineering Teaching (CACEI) and two by the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES), while the postgraduate programs are registered in the National Register of Quality Postgraduate Studies (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).